Deep dive into plastic arts



What are plastic arts? Plastic art, also known as sculptural art, is a visual art form in which three-dimensional objects are crafted from various materials. The term "plastic" in this context is not specifically related to widely recognized synthetic plastics but pertains to the malleability and sculpting capabilities of the materials used.

1. Deep dive into plastic arts

Plastic art has its origins in ancient times when people used natural plastics to create decorative items and tools. However, plastic art truly flourished in the 20th century with the invention of synthetic plastics.

Plastic art can take various forms, including sculpture, painting, graphics, and installation art. Plastic artists often employ advanced techniques and technologies to create unique and impressive works of art.

Deep dive into plastic arts

1.1. Plastic arts definition

In English, "plastic arts" refers to "plastic art" or "sculptural art." Plastic art is a type of art that primarily uses plastic as its material.

Plastic is a synthetic material that can be derived from various sources, including petroleum and plant-based materials. Plastic possesses several advantageous properties, such as being lightweight, durable, malleable, and capable of creating a wide range of products.

The term "plastic" in "sculptural art" does not pertain to synthetic plastic materials but is derived from the Greek word "plastikos," meaning "capable of being shaped." Sculptural art has a long history, dating back to prehistoric times when humans began crafting small statues and objects from clay, stone, and wood.

Plastic arts definition

1.2. Classification of plastic sculptural art

Plastic sculptural art can be categorized into two main types:

  • Plastic sculptural art from virgin plastic: This type of art utilizes various types of virgin plastics such as PVC, ABS, PP, etc., to create artistic works. Artworks created using virgin plastic in plastic sculptural art tend to be highly durable and can withstand environmental influences.
  • Plastic sculptural art from waste plastic: This category employs various types of waste plastics like plastic bottles and plastic bags to produce artistic works. Artworks created from waste plastic in plastic sculptural art often carry environmental protection significance.

Plastic sculptural art is a rapidly growing art form. The artworks in this genre not only exhibit high aesthetics but also serve educational and environmental conservation purposes.

2. Plastic recycling art

Plastic recycling art is a form of artistic expression that uses used plastic materials to create artworks. This creative approach aims to minimize plastic waste and raise awareness of this issue. Recycling artists employ various techniques to create their works, including:

  • Carving, in which artists use tools to remove plastic materials from larger blocks.
  • Sculpting, where artists shape plastic materials using tools or their hands.
  • Casting, in which artists create a mold and pour plastic material into it.
  • Assembling, where artists combine multiple plastic elements into a single piece.

Plastic recycling art can be utilized to create a wide range of artworks, from sculptures and paintings to functional furniture pieces.

Recycling artists often use readily available plastic materials found at home, such as plastic bottles, containers, and bags. They may also use recycled plastic materials sourced from landfills and oceans.

Plastic recycling art represents a creative solution to the issue of plastic waste and serves as a means to increase awareness about the importance of environmental conservation.

Plastic recycling art

3. Which plastic materials are used in art

Plastic is a versatile material that finds applications in various fields, including art. Common plastic materials used in art include:

  • Acrylic plastic: Acrylic plastic is a synthetic material known for its heat resistance, moisture resistance, and ease of use. It is often employed in painting, sculpting, and decorative art creations.
  • Epoxy resin: Epoxy resin is a high-strength, corrosion-resistant, two-component plastic. It is commonly used for sculpting, creating furniture, and decorative art pieces.
  • PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride): PVC is a high-strength synthetic plastic known for its impact resistance. It is frequently used in sculpting, toy making, and decorative art.
  • Recycled plastic: Recycled plastic is plastic that has been collected and reprocessed into new products. It is often used in sculpting, decorative art, and furniture design.

Additionally, there are many other types of plastic materials used in art, such as ABS plastic, polystyrene, polypropylene, and more. Some examples of artistic creations using plastic materials include:

Sculptures: Plastic can be utilized to craft sculptures, paintings, and various 3D art pieces. For instance, Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori employs epoxy resin to create vivid 3D paintings depicting natural themes like fish, plants, and flowers.

Collection of artworks by Riusuke Fukahori

Composite Statues: Composite statues are a popular form of sculptural art made from composite plastics. They serve as decorative elements in diverse settings, from parks and gardens to living spaces.

Catholic Composite Statue

4. Some notable recycling plastic art

"The Descher" by Desch is a sculpture made from recycled plastic inspired by M.C. Escher. This artwork is crafted from recycled fabric softener bottles and depicts an image of a fabric softener bottle transforming into a flowerpot.

"The Descher" by Desch

Eduardo's artwork "The Scream" is part of the "Plastic Nature" exhibition in his art studio in Sao Paulo, Brazil. It is a collection of artworks that reinterpret famous paintings by masters such as Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, and Claude Monet. These pieces are created from pieces of recycled plastic collected from rivers and streets.

"Plastic Nature" by Eduardo Srur

Jeff Koons' "The Big Fishes" is a vinyl plastic sculpture depicting a school of fish in flight. This artwork is constructed from 10,000 recycled plastic bottles and is exhibited at various locations worldwide.

"The Big Fishes" by Jeff Koons

Plastic is a versatile and diverse material that can be used to create a wide range of art pieces. Artists are continually exploring new ways to incorporate plastic into their works, and we can expect to see many more impressive plastic art pieces in the future. Furthermore, creative talents are contributing to raising awareness of plastic pollution through recycling art. This, in turn, encourages individuals to take action to protect the environment.

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