Fire Retardant vs. Fire Resistant: Decoding the Differences



Ever wondered why some plastics melt into a puddle in a fire, while others stubbornly char and hold their shape?
The answer lies in the contrast between fire retardant and fire resistant properties. These terms might sound interchangeable, but understanding the subtle differences can be crucial. Don't let mistakes in fire safety become a threat to the safety of yourself or your business.
This guide will decode the superpowers of fire retardants and fire resistance, allowing you to make informed decisions and choose the best fire protection for your needs!

1. Properties of Fire Retardant

Fire retardant additives act on a chemical level to impede the ignition or slow the spread of flames within a plastic material. The introduction of flame-retardant chemicals into a multitude of product categories began in the 1970s
The effectiveness of a fire retardant treatment depends on factors like the type of plastic, the specific fire retardant used, and the application conditions (e.g., temperature, exposure time).

Fire retardant compounds are added to circuit boards to help prevent them from catching fire in the case of overheating.

1.1. Decomposing the Material

Certain fire retardants decompose upon exposure to heat, releasing gases (e.g., nitrogen) or solid residues. These gases dilute the oxygen concentration in the surrounding area, hindering the combustion process. Solid residues can form a char layer on the plastic surface, acting as a physical barrier against flames and increasing the time it takes for the material to catch fire.

1.2. Heat Absorption 

Some fire retardants function by absorbing heat from the flames. This heat absorption reduces the surrounding temperature, slowing down the rate of thermal decomposition (breakdown) within the plastic material, thereby delaying ignition and reducing the amount of heat a material releases when burning.

1.3. Chemical Interference 

Specific fire retardants can interfere with the chemical reactions that sustain a fire. They may act as chain terminators, interrupting the free radical reactions necessary for continuous combustion.
The specific chemical composition of fire retardants varies depending on the desired effect and the type of plastic being treated. Common fire retardant chemistries include:
  • Halogenated Compounds: Examples include brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and chlorinated flame retardants (CFRs). These were historically popular but have raised environmental concerns due to potential toxicity. Regulations on their use are becoming stricter.
  • Organophosphorus Compounds: These offer good flame retardancy with lower toxicity compared to halogenated options. Examples include triphenyl phosphate (TPP) and red phosphorus.
  • Melamine Compounds: These are widely used in combination with other fire retardants due to their synergistic effects. They promote char formation and act as smoke suppressants.
Spot on more details and science-based explanations behind fire retardant: Fire retardant: What is it? Everything you need to know

2. Properties of Fire Resistant

Unlike fire retardants that influence the burning behavior of a material, fire resistant materials inherently possess properties that enable them to withstand fire exposure for extended durations. Fire resistance is not permanent. Extreme heat or prolonged exposure to high temperatures can reduce a material's ability to withstand fire. 

Fire-resistant plastics are used in fire escapes to withstand high temperatures while remaining structurally sound during a fire.

2.1. Physical changes

Upon exposure to high temperatures, fire resistant materials undergo physical changes in their structure. These changes can involve:

  • Melting and Re-solidification: Can create a temporary protective layer, shielding the material from the fire. Some fire resistant materials, like specific ceramics, can melt at high temperatures but then re-solidify upon cooling. 
  • Expansion and Sealing: Certain materials, like intumescent coatings, expand significantly when heated. This expansion creates a thick, insulating char layer that seals the material's surface and restricts oxygen flow, hindering combustion.

2.2. Heat insulation

Fire resistant materials are inherently poor conductors of heat. This low thermal conductivity slows down heat transfer from the flame front to the interior of the material, protecting underlying components from reaching ignition temperatures. 
Common fire resistant materials with good insulating properties include ceramics, concrete, and certain types of filled plastics.

2.3. Chemical reactions 

Some fire resistant materials can undergo specific chemical reactions when exposed to high temperatures. These reactions absorb heat from the fire, helping to cool the material and slow its spread.
The specific properties and mechanisms of fire resistance vary depending on the material composition. Here are some common fire resistant materials and their key characteristics:
  • Ceramics: These inorganic, non-metallic materials offer excellent fire resistance due to their high melting points and low thermal conductivity.
  • Concrete: This composite material, a combination of cement, aggregate, and water, provides good fire resistance due to its inherent strength, low combustibility, and ability to release water vapor when heated (acting as an endothermic coolant).
  • Fire-resistant Plastics: Certain plastic formulations incorporate fire resistant additives or fillers that enhance their performance during a fire. These additives can promote char formation, improve heat insulation, or release flame retardant gases.
Find out some common fire resistant plastics for your work: 5 common fire resistant plastics and how to enhance plastic fire 

3. Real world examples of Fire Retardant and Fire Resistant

3.1. Fire Retardant Applications 

Fire retardant plastics buy valuable time in a fire by delaying ignition or slowing flames.

  • Electronics: Flame retardant additives are commonly incorporated into electronic device housings (e.g., computers, TVs) to delay ignition in case of overheating components.
  • Textiles: Fire retardant treatments are applied to fabrics used in furniture upholstery, curtains, and carpets to slow down flame spread and prevent flashover (rapid ignition of surrounding materials).
  • Building Materials: Fire retardant additives can be used in some plastic building components like drywall, foam insulation, cable insulation or wall panels to delay ignition and potentially reduce heat release during a fire.

3.2. Fire Resistant Applications

Fire-resistant pipes in sprinklers: withstand heat, ensure water flow.
  • Fire Escapes and Building Components: Fire escape components, door frames, or electrical conduit. These materials can withstand direct flame exposure for a specified time, allowing safe egress or maintaining functionality of critical systems.
  • Appliance Housings: Certain high-heat appliances like ovens or toasters may utilize fire-resistant plastics in specific components to prevent melting or warping during normal operation.
  • Piping Systems: Fire-resistant plastic pipes can be used in applications where maintaining structural integrity during a fire is crucial, such as sprinkler systems or containment for hazardous materials.
  • Safes: Fire-resistant safes utilize materials like high-density concrete or ceramics to protect valuable contents from extreme heat during a fire.
  • Structural Steel in Buildings: While steel offers inherent fire resistance, in high-temperature fires, its structural integrity can be compromised. Fire-resistant coatings or encasements can be applied to improve the fire resistance of structural steel elements.

4. Fire Retardant vs. Fire Resistant: Choosing Wisely

Selecting between fire retardant and fire resistant plastics depends on the specific application's requirements. Here's a breakdown to guide your decision:

4.1. When to Choose Fire Retardant Plastics

Fire retardant plastics are a suitable choice when:
  • Delaying ignition or slowing flame spread is sufficient: This applies to many applications where a fire has time to be detected and extinguished before significant damage occurs. Examples include electronic housings, building materials in low-risk areas, and some textile applications.
  • Cost-effectiveness is a major consideration: Fire retardant additives are generally less expensive than fire-resistant materials.

4.2. When to Choose Fire Resistant Plastics

Fire resistant plastics are ideal for critical applications where:
  • Structural integrity during a fire is paramount: These applications include fire escape components, fire doors, and building elements that need to maintain functionality to facilitate safe evacuation.
  • Complete fire protection is essential: Fire-resistant plastics offer superior protection for critical assets or materials that must be shielded from extreme temperatures for an extended duration. Examples include safes for valuables and piping systems for hazardous materials.
Understanding the fire behavior of your chosen plastic and the specific demands of your application is key to selecting the most appropriate fire safety solution. Consulting with a qualified materials expert can ensure you make an informed decision that prioritizes safety and meets all regulatory requirements.

5. Conclusion

Fire retardant plastics delay ignition, buying precious time for electronics housings or building materials. But for true fireproofing, fire resistant plastics are the firefighters themselves - tough and enduring under extreme heat. 
Understanding these distinctions is crucial for choosing the right plastic in fire safety. Don't forget environmental and health factors, and remember - regular inspections are key!

6. About EuroPlas

EuroPlas, as a leading manufacturer of engineering plastics, we committed to providing innovative and safe solutions for various industries. We understand the critical role fire safety plays, and that's why we offer a comprehensive range of fire retardant and fire resistant plastic compounds.
PP flame retardant compounds for construction and automotive applications, PC flame retardant compounds for electronic components with high clarity, and PBT GF-FR compounds that combine flame retardancy with durability for use in kitchenware and car parts.
Our team of experts can help you select the perfect fire-retardant or fire-resistant plastic compound for your application.
Contact EuroPlas today to discuss your fire safety needs! Or you can head over to our blog to learn more about plastics besides fire safety.



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