UV stabilized vs UV resistant for plastic - a complete comparison
Don’t know the difference between UV stabilized vs UV resistant for plastic? Let’s find out right now!
Is plastic chemical resistant? The chemical resistance of plastics
Read our article to discover the factors influencing chemical resistance, the most common chemical resistant plastics, and their applications.
Chemicals used in the manufacture of plastics
To enhance the properties of plastics to meet the technical requirements of different areas, the plastic products industry uses several chemicals that can be harmful to human health. This article will outline common chemicals used in the production of plastics.
Why Does Plastic Turn Yellow Over Time? Preventing Plastic Discoloration
Why does plastic turn yellow over time? How to prevent the process of plastic discoloration? Keep reading this article to find out the answer.
Carbon neutral vs net zero
What is the difference between carbon neutral and net zero? How do plastic companies take action to complete these environmental goals? Dive deeper into this throughout the below article.
Black masterbatch market report (estimated to 2030)
According to a report by Global Info Research, the Black masterbatch market capacity is determined to be around 2.70 billion USD in 2019.
Southeast Asia Plastic Compounding Market (Estimated to 2026)
This article provides data on the Southeast Asia compound market as well as its prospects in the future to help you get an overview and make the right business decisions.