
There are 7 results with the keyword


You Might Be Wondering About These 6 Types of PA66
Let's learn and classify the basic PA66 groups on the market to choose a suitable material line for your project!
PA6 vs. PA66: The Differences Between Two Engineering Giants
Explore the key differences between the two engineering powerhouses, PA6 and PA66, and understand their unique properties and applications.
Common additives used in PA66 GF
Explore the essential additives in PA66 GF, enhancing the strength and performance of this versatile material. Read now!
PA6 GF30 - PA6 30% glass fiber: Key features & uses
PA6 GF30 is a high-performance engineering plastic, which is widely used in various industries for its superior strength, durability, and heat resistance. In this article, we will delve into the key features and applications of PA6 GF30.
PA66 GF30 - PA66 30% glass fiber: Outstanding benefits & applications
If you’re interested in PA66 GF30, you’ve come to the right place. Our article will explain the material in nitty-gritty detail. Let’s scroll down for more!