6 polypropylene compounds for automotive applications

PP engineering plastic compound is a preferred material in the automotive industry because it helps manufacturers save time, costs, and improve the properties of finished products. Due to the specific requirements of each car's parts, plastic manufacturers have researched and released 6 different types of PP engineering plastic compounds. So what are they? What are their advantages and applications? Let's find out with EuroPlas in the article below.

Polyolefin resin manufacturers - 50 companies found
Polyolefin resin is a versatile material used in various industries, including automotive, packaging, and construction. As the demand for polyolefin resin increases, the need for reliable and cost-effective manufacturers has become more critical. In this blog post, we will look at top 70 polyolefin resin manufacturers you should know. Let’s get started!
Polyvinyl chloride vs vinyl - Different types of vinyl
Polyvinyl chloride vs vinyl: discuss the differences between these terms and types of vinyl in this article.
Polyvinyl chloride vs polycarbonate: which one is better?
Two popular plastics widely used in the industry are polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polycarbonate (PC). In this article, we will compare the differences between polyvinyl chloride vs polycarbonate to help manufacturers make an informed decision.
What type of plastic is used in 3d printers?
We will explore the most common type of plastic used in 3d printers and their respective properties and applications in this post.
Plastic-like materials which are biodegradable
The importance of plastic to humanity is undisputed. Due to its light weight, ease of processing, low cost and outstanding features, plastic is used to manufacture many objects for human life.  
Which is stronger, acrylic or polycarbonate?
Acrylic and polycarbonate are two common types of transparent thermoplastics used in a wide range of applications. Which is stronger, acrylic or polycarbonate? Let’s dive into the comparison in the article below.